Today the weather was great in Mainz at the 7th Red Bull Flugtag in Germany. Sunny, hot and wind from the front most of the time!
Arne Krämer and his team set a new world record. He flew 69m from the 6m high ramp after putting his glider up another very fragile looking ramp. The 500 hours that the team put into the glider was worth it. Also Arne is a hang glider pilot which helped a lot to keep the glider straight and in the air.
Winner was another team though with a great show and a 59m flight. They had a perfect catapult start.
Guido was towed over to the show area by Beni and displayed his powerful loopings and spins before racing over the ramp, swooping the harbour area, turning around and landing in the water. On purpose! I was so glad I didnt have to put my clean sail into that water...
There will be a cool movie soon about the Flugtag, I will link it here!
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