Organizer Matthias in connection with task setters and safety pilot set an 80km task to Schwielochsee today, and we set up under overcast skies. In the distance, the sun was visible, so there was hope for the day to improve.
Lukas Bader took a test tow up with some cameras from TV. His tow looked ok, so I got ready, as I was 3rd in line for take off. The sun came out, but also the wind picked up and got really gustay. Lukas´ landing approach did not quite convince me for a safe tow, so I told the launch marshall that I prefer to wait for the conditions to calm down a bit.
After no improvement for about half an hour, the day was cancelled, because most pilots did not conider towing and landing conditions to be safe. Also Lukas had reported really rough, broken lift.
Tomorrow looks better, less windy. After that, at this moment only Saturday looks promising at the moment, but let´s wait and see if the Flaeming area holds some surprises for us! With fronts shooting through so fast, anything can happen really.
By the way, with Katharina Dressel, Caroline Greiser, Mareen Köhler and me in flex class, and Tina Weikard in rigid class, we are five girls this year at the German Open! And hopefully it will be more than just a "German, open your umbrella quickly" competition ;)
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