09 Juni 2008

First Day cancelled due to rain

Yesterday we went to Berg for the big opening ceremony of the European Championships in hanggliding. The hall was full of people when the teams of pilots were led onto the stage by boys of the Greifenburg soccer team in their team dress. Afterwards we had dinner together, a great group played the drums and they had even created a song for the Championships!

Today the sky was bluish, so we had our hopes up for a task. When it was time for briefing, the rain started to be harder and shortly after, the day was cancelled. Anyway, forecasts for tomorrow are better, Im positive that we will get in the first points tomorrow.

1 Kommentar:

Allan hat gesagt…

Hi Corinna,

good luck for the Euros!

We are just packing our things to come to Germany and will be in Munich on the afternoon / evening of 15 June. I know you won't be there and I wish we could come through Greifenburg to wish you luck in person, but this will have to do. Say hi and good luck to Monique for us as well! We will be coming back up through Munich on the 21st /22nd July, maybe you will be there then?

Allan & Dave.