We had to go around 2 turnpoints and then back to goal in Laravale. 62 pilots are in the comp, and quite a few chose the alternate early launch window before ordered launch started. Not too
Anyway, eventually we got up and going. I managed to cross the flying fox and Canungra valley, but got low in the Kerry and landed. Yet I was happy to be up in the air again! It felt wonderful, and the Moyes Mojo prototype has a sweet handling, it was easy on take off and landing, so perfect for a first flight after a long break.
The hard training paid off now, I could do a strong, hard run on take off. Thanks to the guys from Sportschule Puch, you have done a great job looking after my recovery!
I had to walk out a fair way from where I landed to get to the road - it was a huge property. Luckily the farmer came over on a motorbike and took me up to the road. Very rarely Ive found such a helpful and friendly farmer like Rob - apparently he is used to people landing on his fields because they are so big and inviting. It is a dairy farm with a beautiful landscape that totally reminded me of the movie "Australia". Joel, a young local pilot, landed with me and he was stoked when I returned just half an hour later with our driver Michelle! She had already anticipated where I might be before the farmer gave her directions on the phone...
Our team mate Tony got to goal and was one of about 12 happy pilots there. First in was Jonny Durand, followed by Dave May and Big Jon.
It took quite a while to set up the scoring program, so no results are up yet, but I will post the link as soon as they are.
The farmer and also people on launch warned us about the tick plague here - they have paralysis ticks that put a venom into their victim that numbs the muscles... Im paranoied about these little critters anyway. So far I was lucky, but I will watch out for that stuff.
Tomorrow it looks like we will go up to Beechmont again, another really early day. It was quite humid today with a base of barely 1000 m, but the lift in the flatlands turned on well I heard.
1 Kommentar:
I would love a job like yours instead of my own, which won't even let me fly regularly at the weekend...
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