When we were finally on the mountain, it was quiet, romantic and - white. A lot of snow in the cloud. At least it is nice and clean to set up our gliders on the snow. Meanwhile the officials were preparing the ramps, cleaning ice and snow off. The task was Buching-Falkenstein-Buching-goal. But we were not even quite at the pilots briefing when a black long wall of rain and strong wind moved towards us. The task was cancelled, we packed up our gliders again and could not go down for a while - the wind was too strong for the cable car to run! So we were socializing and waiting. After some rain and snow it is clearing up a little, no sun but at least it stopped raining.
For more photos, have a look at Ashanta´s Blog and Jamie´s Blog
1 Kommentar:
Bin froh das alle die es konneten den Wettkampf Heute gestrichen haben um einen Unfall weniger zu ereichen.
Gruß Ralf
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