18 September 2016

Meeting Andy and Uli in Frankfurt

I just saw this wonderful tribute to Hannes Arch, so I set the link for you!
The last few days were really amazing. By chance I happened to be in Frankfurt when my friend Andy Hediger flew in from Buenos Aires. We spent his waiting time for the connecting flight together, remembering what friendship, life and flying means to us. Despite being individually very active in our different air sports and being spread out around the world, there is a really strong bond to our friends and fellow athletes, where ever they are.
Today, waiting at the luggage belt for my suitcase in Frankfurt, suddenly Uli Grill came up and said hi. The flights from Bremen and Salzburg arriving at the same time, meeting at the same luggage belt - Frankfurt isn´t really that small... Uli and Andy are part of the Red Bull Acro team from the beginning, like Hannes and Ueli. Meeting Uli today really got me thinking, cause it felt like more than coincidence.
We have all suffered big losses way too early in our lives. It never seems to make sense, feels unfair and cruel for the ones who stayed behind. But today, it was as if Hannes wanted to point something out - as I´ve met two of the most passionate people ever within just one week, who love the world of flying, filming, photography, sharing this wonderful passion and making it accessible for the rest of the world.
We should make an effort to get together more often, celebrating life with our friends! Be prepared to go out of your comfort zone to help your friends if they are in need - as other people would for me if I needed help, cause making other people´s life a bit easier, nicer and happier is a memory that will always make you smile. If we have a project idea,  let´s start on it right now, and don´t postpone it. Live your dreams and follow your passions, because that´s the only real drive to create extraordinay things and that will make you content and happy in the long run, even if there are numerous obstacles to master along the way. Be humble, open and thankful for the life we may lead, and find beauty and humour even in the most absurd situations, just to celebrate that moment. Mistakes are part of human nature, but that´s our chance to learn and grow. We just need the strength to admit that we made them.

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