I just finished my German report for the DHV homepage here!
Final results are here!
When we arrived on take off for the last day of the preworlds, the wind was howling with up to 67km/h an hour, almost blowing anybody off the ground who tried to open a wing. After two briefings and a few hours of waiting and hoping for the storm to drop, the day was cancelled. Because of a military air show, we would have had to land at Esplanada before 4pm, but the conditions were not safe to have a comp day anyway.
Instead we just headed back to the city and prepared for the awards ceremony at sunset on Esplanada headquarter. The Italian team proved itself again unbeatable, even though their top guys Alex and Chris were not here to compete! The Brasilians tried hard to beat the Italians, but Flavios team showed once more an incredibly perfect team flying and working together in the air and on the ground.
We had great flights anyway, and fantastic training for the "real one" next year!
Thanks a lot to the organizers Betinho and Cid, to Nani and her huge crew of incredibly friendly helpers during this whole week! Thanks to all the drivers for their enthusiasm to get us out even from the most difficult places with locked gates and all! It was a fun event, and I´m looking forward to coming back next year!
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