11 Juni 2009

My Blog is back!!!

Hello to everybody around the world, Im very happy to announce that my Blog has been unlocked again! It had been blocked for the last 2 weeks and I was just as disappointed as you that it took so long to verify that my blog is not spam. I hope that this won´t happen again. Specially since soon another big comp starts in Ager, the pre Europeans.
The past couple of weeks I worked quite a bit, Regina and I had two days filming with a team from Salzburg TV about hanggliding - we were really lucky that we managed to get into the air and we even got a really good pg tandem pilot from Flugschule Hochries for the camera guy (he enjoyed the flight a lot). The film will be aired in September.
Now I just returned from a work trip, a very strong westerly is blowing, but Sunday or Monday might be flyable.
Good to be back!

1 Kommentar:

Michaela hat gesagt…

Hi Corinna,
das freut mich zu lesen, nun ist es mir wieder möglich deine Aktivitäten zu verfolgen.
Wünsche dir weiterhin alles gute und unfallfrei, schöne Flüge.

LG Michi