Results here. As it was raining the whole day yesterday, I went to castle Landskron, visiting some vultures to get inspiration for the last day of the comp today. It was a slow day for sure, and only started clearing up around 3.30pm. With weak lift and a cloud base around 2000m, we set a small task to Weneberghütte, Gerlamoos, Irschen and goal.
When I saw that some paragliders could maintain their height, I decided it´s time to take off (around 3pm), as I expected the thermals to stop around 5pm already. I was flying with Dieter Müglich (rigid wing) some of the distance, but at some stage I fell back because I decided that I needed more height to make the next turnpoint. Only on my way to the last turnpoint, I met some other hang gliders in the air - they had taken off quite late, probably expecting better conditions later, like on the first two days.
Getting low a few times, I managed to dig myself out and make it to goal after about two hours. When I found out that I was the only pilot from all classes who had made goal on that day, it was a nice surprise. Too bad that many people just went to bomb out, so there were not enough points again to catch up to Kajo Clauss on first place.
Rüdiger Bien won rigid class, and Florian Hertwig the paragliding comp. I finished 2nd overall, with two day wins - not a bad start into the European season :) Despite a marginal weather forecast, we flew 3 days out of 4 and had lots of fun in wonderful Greifenburg. Big thanks to Fliegercamp Drautal (Franz Mandl &crew) and also to Wolfgang Sattlegger & take off crew for hosting the Hessenmeisterschaft again in their fantastic flying scenery - I hope we come back next year with even more pilots!

When I saw that some paragliders could maintain their height, I decided it´s time to take off (around 3pm), as I expected the thermals to stop around 5pm already. I was flying with Dieter Müglich (rigid wing) some of the distance, but at some stage I fell back because I decided that I needed more height to make the next turnpoint. Only on my way to the last turnpoint, I met some other hang gliders in the air - they had taken off quite late, probably expecting better conditions later, like on the first two days.
Rüdiger Bien won rigid class, and Florian Hertwig the paragliding comp. I finished 2nd overall, with two day wins - not a bad start into the European season :) Despite a marginal weather forecast, we flew 3 days out of 4 and had lots of fun in wonderful Greifenburg. Big thanks to Fliegercamp Drautal (Franz Mandl &crew) and also to Wolfgang Sattlegger & take off crew for hosting the Hessenmeisterschaft again in their fantastic flying scenery - I hope we come back next year with even more pilots!
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