I was just honoured at the annual DHV meeting in Furth im Wald for
the new World Champion title, as an opening for the whole meeting. This
place at the border to the Czech Republic is known for "killing the
Dragon" once a year, as a traditional ceremony to fight against war and
evil. Another German word for "hang glider" is "Dragon", as "Drachen",
so I put in my plea to "tame" the Dragon and fly with it rather than
killing it...The Knight and the Knightress like that idea!
Now it will be some long hours with the head of the DHV and about 120 members who had been voted from every region to decide about the way this biggest hang- and paragliding association of the world, 37000 members, is going to go.
Now it will be some long hours with the head of the DHV and about 120 members who had been voted from every region to decide about the way this biggest hang- and paragliding association of the world, 37000 members, is going to go.
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