I arrived early in the morning in Rio after a work flight and thought that I have a rest, but then Fabio Thomaz texted me that he just saw a glider at Cristo. I looked out of my window and saw even paragliders!!! I was fully awake and in a rush to get to Sao Conrado now, because i knew it would be an epic day! Fabio picked me up, then we met Cezar with Konrad Heilmann´s RX 3,5 at the beach and went up to launch.
No doubt, it was on, and it was perfect. Smooth and clear with a nice cloud base and beautiful little clouds popping up along the way.
It is just a short flight to Cristo, but with no or doubtful landing options and after no sleep for quite a while, it was pucker factor 10 to go across the huge "Cidade Maravilhosa" of Rio de Janeiro! I enjoyed every thermal in this soft ocean air
Fabio went along with me and buzzed Cristo, while I just relaxed and enjoyed the szenery, happy about this chance of a lifetime!
Guga took me back home to the hotel, and we had to avoid a huge traffic jam. Thanks to an accident with a stolen car on one of the main roads out of the city, it was absolutely chaotic. Guga knew the beautiful back road through the Tijuca national park, and we stopped at "Ponto Chinese", a look out that I had already seen from the air today.