The wind from the northeast picked up and formed some beautiful lenticular clouds above take off today. A 99 km task was set, but launch conditions looked more than iffy with strong tailwind and side wind and a lot of changes. After waiting another 30 minutes and no improvement in sight, also with strong wind reported from the landing field, the task was cancelled. We had 4 big tasks and no need to risk take offs in very difficult conditions. Everybody packed their gliders up and drove down, because it did not look launchable until we left.
Manfred won the comp, with Gerolf in second and Robert Reisinger in third. I was first ranked woman out of six, Andy Becker was the best out of seven rigid wing pilots, and Christian Zehetmayer best German pilot on 13th place. With 3 Austrians on the top 3 places and 5 amongst the top 10, we get a clear picture for their ambitions at the worlds in Laragne ;)
Ulli Prinz from Germany won the paragliding competition (like last year, I think he likes the flying here!), and Women´s paragliding world championette Elisa Houdry from France won the women´s ranking with an amazing 7th place overall.
The award ceremony is tonight at 6.30, then it´s a long drive home after the Easter weekend.
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