09 März 2008


"Brigitte" is a women´s magazine sold in German speaking countries, and in the current edition, sold until March 11th, they published an interview with me which is quite fun to read. Have a look at it, if you get the chance - even the pilots on my last work trip had a good laugh!

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hi Corinna

Dann wird das wohl das erste Mal sein, dass ich "Brigitte" lese ;-)

Gute Besserung!!!!! Drücke Dir die Daumen..

Bis bald. Liebe Grüsse aus Osaka

Rebi hat gesagt…

Hab mir die Zeitschrift heute auch zum erstenmal gekauft! Mal sehen wem ich den Rest vermache! ;-P

bis hoffentlich zum WE...


Jon M Bishop hat gesagt…

Hey Corinna

Sorry about doing this on your comments but I can't find your email address. I've started a social network exclusively for Paragliders, kind of like Facebook for gliders.

I'm inviting bloggers and Flickr paragliders to join the beta phase and be among the first to join! If you use Feedburner, you could even have your blog update automatically on Cloudseeker using their Buzzboost feature helping promote your blog specifically to other paragliders. Go to http://www.cloudseekers.ning.com to have a look and sign up.

It will be http://www.cloudseekers.com in the next day or so, just waiting for the domain service to update it.